Birthday Gurl

Posted by WeiKeong under
Last night I went to Puvanes' surprise birthday party. Although it was a small one, but it was fun! I'm too lazy to describe the whole thing, let the pictures tell, ya? LOL!!

After the cake blowing session, hehe, they suggested that Raymond and Puvanes feed each other. So Raymond fed her first. Who knew, he pressed the whole slice of cake onto her face. Haha! Look at her face... LOL!

It later turned into a cake fight! Hahahaha! We ran for our lives!!

After that, we ended up at Batu Berendam's KFC for our dinner and headed home. Hehe! Fun day!! Here's a picture I edited myself, hope you guys like it.

PS - Happy Birthday Puvanes!!

Peace Out!

3 thoughts:

On May 5, 2009 at 9:59 PM , Anonymous said...

这是你们的大姐的叫法, 我是你们大姐的Senior的朋友。 你们知道吗?自从你们的大姐在blog上写过Yi-Yong和Jan-Fei后,你们好像冷落了你们的大姐了.你们知道吗? 其实你们的大姐很珍惜这段友情的. 现在她也在痛苦中.每天躲在角落里偷哭, 每次她都问我怎样才能婉转这段感情回来呢?现在我问你们这些小瓜瓜. 你们有没有珍惜过这段得来不易的友情吗? 你们有没有想过你们以前在一起时的快乐日子吗?可是你们的大姐每次跟我说她有6个好兄弟姐妹, 她很高兴拥有这6个兄弟姐妹. 我希望你们和你们的大姐的友情可以永恒. 还有我希望你们这6只瓜瓜不要再冷落她了, 每天可以看到她的笑容...

On May 7, 2009 at 2:13 AM , YC said...

yo anonymous..i m 1 of the melon u are talking bout..well..the situation is more then what u think it is..and we didnt boy court her or what so ever..its alot more then what meets your eye..if u wan, i dont mind having a 1 on 1 chat with u face to face giving u a clearer pic on the current situation..yup..we do appreciate her as our big sis..but nothing more then that..i do some times wonder whether she is really happy when she is with us or its just an act..well..from what she wrote on her blog, she never felt happiness ever since she arrive melaka..that really confuse me..hehe..anyway, it would be nice if we can have a little chat with u..tq anyway for caring...

On May 7, 2009 at 5:55 PM , Nightclow (Niko) said...

hi there!!!
nice one...
i will do better than u...
hahaha...juz u wait & see...
i will edit one of the photo..
then u must check it out k...