Last week during the 2 weeks break (ya 2 weeks... DAMN MMU for this! XD) I went to Sunway Lagoon with my MMU friends. It was a little boring but I had a blast. Prolly it's because I went there 2 years ago and nothing has changed. Hooh... I can't tell you how tiring the trip was, well my legs literally broke, my shoulder literally dislocated, and my eyes... dried up! Hahaha! Ok... here's what happened. I went to my grandma's house, stayed there for 3 days, then went all the way down to JB to find Wen Jun then to Seremban to meet Jan Fei, Kim San and Yi Yong, later travel up to Sunway!
Oh, speaking of JB, Larkin Sentral is the worst nightmare!! Everything is so messy, people selling tickets without a counter, people yelling, children running up and down, and some people, the give you the face of you-wanna-piece-of me! I don't know if the ticket seller ever realise that there is such thing as Customer's Rights or Hak Pengguna. You see, I wanted to walk to McDonalds from one end. Then along the way, there were several ticket counters of different bus company. Each of everyone of them kept asking the same question, " Dik, nak pergi mane?", "Pukup berape?", "Skrang boleh?". That time I had to wait for Wen Jun to come so I just said, "Tunggu kawan." I don't know how many times I said that. Lets say if there were 10 counters along the way, then I have said 10 times. My Gawd! Kay, long story cut short...
-When Wen Jun arrived, a man came and said, "Oh, kawan lu dah sampai, skrang boleh? Dua stengah?" -Wen Jun was like, " Bus ape?" -Then he said, "Duuu, bus tu kat sana. Eh, bawak dua budak ni pergi ke bus."And so we walked with the guy and he showed us the bus. IMMEDIATELY, he started issuing tickets. WTF! Wen Jun rejected. Why? Firstly, the bus looks STOOPID! Secondly, I don't think the bus has a freakin name, no company. Of course Wen Jun rejected la...
-Just after that, Hwah! another guy came and said, "Mari, duduk bas ni. Bas ni VIP seat! Bagus punye!" Another one, same case, looks nameless. Cuz only "Express" is written, it looked like there was a name before it but was scrapped off. Who would have trusted that? And of course, Wen Jun said no.. the man was furious, started shouting. Come on la... we have the right to choose which bus we wanna get on. Argh, then we went to browse for bus companies. We were familiar with Transnasional. So as we were reaching the counter... my god i tell you... people from no where came flocking to us wanting to sell us tickets.
-One guy said, "Hey, where are you going? Seremban? Now can? 2.30..."-Wen Jun said, " What bus is this? How much?" (He didn't answer the first question)-He said, "I give you cheap cheap, no where else can get. RM 27 (if I'm not mistaken)"Hahahhaha! It so funny that the guy said that. Transnasional counter was just right in front of our freakin eyes. The price was stated RM 25.90. Of course we asked, but the man said that that is for economical and his is for business. "Haiya, just one ringgit won't hurt." My ass... won't hurt! XD! We had no choice but to buy the tickets cuz it's already 2.28pm, unless we were willing to wait till 3.30. God no! After buying, the guy brought us to the bus. Guess what?! It was the same damn bus. Ooh!! Remember the angry man earlier on I talked about? He saw us.
-He started cursing foul words! "Lancau lu! Tadi suruh kau naik tak mau!! Skrang baru nak naik bas aku! Pergi mampus la babi cina!!" How discriminating... He kept repeating that same sickening sentence over and over again. Wen Jun just looked at him. XD!! We didn't care till the bus left.
Oh ya, we almost got sent to KL, cuz the bus stopped at Petronas opposite Terminal 1. It was raining, so we were expecting the bus to make a U-turn. But it didn't. Luckily we were dropped at Mobil at S2. Thank god! Hehehe! Put a night at Jan Fei's house then the next day to Sunway. Stayed at Sun Inn Hotel (not sure how you spell it). Then fun at Sunway Lagoon. The next day... my legs were tired, so I didn't join Wen Jun, Jan Fei, and Kim San for ice-skating. I went to Redbox with Yi Yong. Yah, only the 2 of us. So fun!! Seriously, it's REDBOX! LOL!! They have a lot of new songs that Dreambox doesn't have. Oh, Melaka sucks... in some ways. Hehe! I hope when the new Jusco opens, Redbox will be opened as well. Yay!
For more photos on this trip, you guys can head to
Wen Jun's blog. I ripped these photos from his Facebook account. Thanks WenJun.
Yeah so the new trimester just started yesterday. I'm taking Materials Science, Engineering Graphics 1 and Malaysian Studies. What's that you may ask... well that's Sejarah. Just that it's in English. Lame! Last trimester's results will be released this thursday. OMG! I'm so nervous! Just let me pass this round and I promise I'll be hardworking! T.T
Toodles... I'm blogging from MMU and gonna go home to be fed. XD!
PS - Wen Jun, you told me that I don't have to tell everyone bout it. I just did so deal with it. XD!!