I Will Remember You

Posted by WeiKeong under
Hooh! It has been a tough two-weeks. I know, my last paper was over a couple of days ago, but why am I only updating now? Well, I rushed to my grandmother's house the day after my final paper. So, i think you should understand. Ok ok, let's begin with the moment my last paper ended, shall we? After the paper, everyone was quite happy with the paper, I could see people smiling from the left to their right ear. It was kinda easy... or not? Ok whatever, after that we went to Jan Fei's house, the rented one in Melaka, not Seremban... duh... to carry out our plan, Steamboat!! Yay!! Ate ate ate till nine... then we left the house and went to GSC Dataran Pahlawan. We went there and some drama happened, managed to pull through and wallah.... we watched Terminater Salvation. Nice movie!! It was worth watching. I was surprised that Arnold was inside the movie!!

After the movie, we went separate ways. Some went home, some went for supper, which was Roti Bakar, just beside Makhota Hospital. It only opens at late night, like 11 something. Thanks Yew Tung for treating! ^^ Then went to send them home. It was a fun night... I wish I could spend more time with my classmates.

I couldn't believe that it has been a year. It's kinda sad to think back all the things that we all have done as classmates. All the sad and happy moments we've gone through, this includes pakat-ing to cancel the class especially English!! Hahaha! What else... oh ya, I'm sorry to anyone... anyone that I have offended in any ways. I apologize... and don't tell me "It's too late to apologize~~ it's too late~~" I'll kill you! Just kidding, it's okay if you don't forgive me, I understand. I know my attitude sucks at times. Thank ya'll for putting up with my annoying behavior. Hye~~ I'm gonna miss you all, especially the ones that are going to MMU Cyberjaya. I hope to hear from ya'll. Those that are staying in Melaka, but taking different major, hope to see ya'll soon! Thank you for creating a blasting memory in my life. All the best and I will remember you all. I have found a song that suits the mood. This is a cover version, which is much better. If you want the original one, it's Ryan Cabrera's. Just click play on the second player.

Eight years later
Time goes by fast
Got my memories
And they will last
I try to keep it simple
Cause I hate goodbyes
I try to keep it simple
By telling myself

I, I will remember you
And all of the things that we've gone through
There is so much I could say
But words get in the way
So, if we're not together
I will remember you
I will remember you

We're a picture
In my mind
And when I want to find you
I just close my eyes
You'll never be that far from me
So don't say goodbye
Cause you'll never be that far from me
I'm telling myself

I, I will remember you
And all of the things that we've gone through
There is so much I could say
But words get in the way
So, if we're not together
I will remember you

You were there when
I needed a friend
Thank you, thank you
I never told you
How much that meant
Yeah thank you, thank you

I will remember you
And all of the things that we've gone through
There is so much I could say
But words get in the way

So, I.. I will remember you
And all of the things that we've gone through
There is so much I could say
But words get in the way
So, when we're not together
I will remember
When we're not together
I will remember you

I will remember you

I Will Remember You - Kris Allen and Adam Lambert

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3 Down 2 To Go

Posted by WeiKeong under
I'm blogging from the campus. Alright, this will be a very short post, just to write down what had happened today, just like a diary, haha! Just now was the Chemistry test, well.. it was okay. I forgot some definitions for some terms, ergh! Why couldn't I recall? Can you believe it?? I wasted 40 mins + 20 mins watching Ugly Betty last night, gawd!! It's so addictive. 40 mins for one episode and 20 mins for half. The half was when I realised that I couldn't continue like this or else I'm gonna fail, so I stopped. Gonna watch it this Wednesday. Oh well, it's no use 'whinning' over a spilt milk. It's over..."cuz baby it over~~ you know it's over this time~~" familiar? Jesse McCartney la... LOL!! Kim San would call me musical. Whatever... Anyway, gonna go continue studying now. Thank God Yew Tung's here!! Gotta go... ciaoz!!

PS - All the best everyone, who are taking exams!!


No Boundaries

Posted by WeiKeong under

Seconds hours so many days
You know what you want but how long can you wait
Every moment last forever
If you feel you’ve lost your way
What if your chances are already gone
Started believing that I could be wrong
But you give me one good reason
To fight and never walk away
Cuz here I am — still holding on

Every step you climb another mountain
Every breathe its harder to believe
You’ll make it through the pain
Whether the hurricane
To get to that one thing
When you think the road is going nowhere
Just when you’ve almost gave up on your dreams
Then take it by the hand and show you that you can
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries

Stand on the edge
What if today is as good as it gets
Don’t know where’s the future’s heading
Nothings gonna bring me down
I jumped every bridge
I risked being safe but i always knew why
I always knew why
So here I am still holding on

Every step you climb another mountain
Every breathe its harder to believe
You’ll make it through the pain whether the hurricane
To get to that one thing

When you think the road is going nowhere
Just when you’ve almost gave up on your dreams
Then take it by the hand and show you that you can
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries

You can go higher
You can go deeper
There are no boundaries
Above and beneath you
Break every rule cuz there’s nothing between you
and your dreams

With Every step you climb another mountain
Every breathe its harder to believe
You'll make it through the pain whether the hurricane
To get to that one thing
When you think the road is going nowhere
Just when you’ve almost gave up on your dreams
Then take it by the hand and show you that you can
There are no boundaries
There are no boundaries

No Boundaries

American Idol Season 8 Winner

Posted by WeiKeong under

The winner of American Idol this year is Kris Allen, like you don't know. Haha! I knew the results this morning. Oh well, like I said, whoever wins, it's all good. I'm proud of both. Both of them are good... let's not forget about Danny Gokey and the rest, they're all good! To be honest, I didn't think Kris Allen would make it this far, but when he went to the top 6 or 5, I thought he would have a great chance of winning, and he really did. I think I know why Adam lost, maybe it's because of his gay issue. I'm not saying that Kris doesn't deserve to win but I heard a lot of poeple saying that they are always against gay people.

Anyway, go check out the new single. Cool!! This year, both of them were allowed to release the single. Yup, the same song. Both did well. ^^ Actually, it's not really fair. Last year, David Archuleta didn't release Time of My Life. Haiz... but what to do? It's over. Remember ya, check out No Boundaries!!


Adam Lambert VS Kris Allen

Posted by WeiKeong under
Alright, I'm gonna do this real quick, cuz I don't have much time. Adam Lambert and Kris Allen have just performed and we'll just have to wait for the results tomorrow. Let's see who will win this season. Check out the winning song for American Idol this year. It's called No Boundaries, written by Kara Dioguardi, the new American Idol judge and the writer of Kelly Clarkson's new single I Do Not Hook Up! She's such a great song-writer. Speaking of original songs of American Idol, it reminds me of Kelly Clarkson's A Moment Like This. She made that song her own and that's amazing! Beautiful song!!

Okay, this is a playlist of Adam's performances. He performed a Change Is Gonna Come as the producer's choice (Simon Fuller), Mad World as the Finale encore, and No Boundaries. I don't wanna embed any videos cuz YouTube will suspend the videos, so let's just listen to the audio shall we? Enjoy!

Adam Lambert Finale

Okay, Kris's turn. He performed What's Going On as the producer's choice, Ain't No Sunshine as the Finale encore and No Boundaries. Enjoy!

Kris Allen Finale

I wonder who's gonna perform on tomorrow's result show... Oh well, all the best to both performers, they're great!! Whoever wins, it's all good. Thanks to www.rickey.org for the info. If you wanna watch the videos, go to YouTube or other video websites, try your luck, hehe!


Kelly on Ellen

Posted by WeiKeong under
Okay, I was bored and tired, just wanna relax after reading Chemistry. So I decided to check up on YouTube to search for videos. And, da da da da, I found this. What else if you know me, it's Kelly Clarkson on Ellen Show! XD... She performed her latest single I Do Not Hook Up, and one of her number one hit singles, Since U Been Gone! Yay!! I love the interview part, she's always being funny! Especially when she said, "You think that the person's safe but they're not. Cuz Tamyra on my season and everybody was like Whao! Whitney Houston's just got kicked off! (hittting the chair) " XD! Her other interviews on other shows were also great! Love her, she rawks!

I Do Not Hook Up!

Since U Been Gone!

The Interview.


2 Down 3 More To Go

Posted by WeiKeong under
Haha, just the first day of the exam week, 2 out of 5 subjects were gone!! GONE! Muahaha! Owh, today was English and Applied Mathematics. Both I would say tough, especially Applied Mathematics. I didn't have enough time to do the questions, I'm not the only one complaining, the rest of them too. Haiz, we had to answer all 4 questions and 25 marks each! It would be best if we chose 3 out of 4. Anyways, too little too late, it's over. It's a stress, 2 subjects per day. MMU shouldn't do it this way. It kills! I'm taking a day off today, just relax and sleep, start work tomorrow with Yew Tung, Monique and the rest. Speaking of Monique, she just called, asking me whether I'm studying today or not. Haha, nope, sorry. Bye guys, am going to hibernate till tomorrow morning... LOL! Kidding! Nitez!

PS - Happy birthday to Wan May (18th May)!! Happy Birthday to Fish aka Fshi Heng and Ashly (both 19th May)! I hope everything that you all wish for comes true! Stay healthy always! ^^ Oh, another thing, all the best to Yi Yong and Pavarit for the IJM interview tomorrow!


Effing Streamyx!! Effing Drivers!!

Posted by WeiKeong under
Last night Yi Yong, Jan Fei and I studied until around 11 pm. Before that, we bought a cake at Italian Bakery after our dinner with Qiao Hui at Batu Berendam. Yi Yong wanted to celebrate her senior's b'day. Ok, study study study, then went to Ixora and planned where to celebrate. Haha, out of no where, I felt freaking tired, or maybe I felt tired before that, haha no idea. I couldn't take it, so, drove home. When I got home, I hoped that I could turn on my laptop just to get a movie finish downloading, guess what, my brother appeared to be using the phone. So i can't access to the internet. You'll be wondering, I applied for Streamyx and why can't I access? Don't ask me, ask the people working up there. When I applied for Streamyx, they promised that even when someone is using the phone, we still can access to the internet without a problem, or vice versa. Arghh!! If this is America i would sue!! I mean, RM 77 per month for a smooth connection, 1 mbps, hah! 1 mbps my foot! More like a dail-up connection speed. If you say there are no other options other than Streamyx, they will tell you that there is Celcom broadband, which is also under the same company, TM if I'm not mistaken.

So, this morning, I was hoping to get more sleep because of yesterday, got home late. My brother was like, " Keong, faster leh, send me go tuition leh..." early in the morning, 10 am!! 10 am is early to me... ARGH! Can't I get more sleep to store more energy for tonight? My exam's tomorrow. So, with a firey mood, sent him to tuition. While I was driving, you couldn't believe how many idiots I had found on the road. Not to say that I'm perfect, but at least better than them. OK, one was like driving at what, 35? 40? Totally slowed down the whole traffice. My gawd, who drives at that speed???! Another one, try to visualize what I am trying to say, cuz this idiot made it almost impossible to explain, and I'm trying to make it almost possible. He was from a small junction at the incoming-car lane, get it? A road has 2 lanes right, I'm going up, the other coming down. He was coming out from a kampung junction at the coming-down-lane. I think you should get the picture now. He wanted to go up, which where I was heading. You know what he did, came out without looking, and later realised that a few cars, including me, was coming through. He was like, "Oh no, where to go?" then he drove, opposing the coming-down-lane!! What if there were cars coming down? I don't wanna imagine. Kampung drivers!! Oh, there's another one, I was right behind that one, driving driving driving, then he slowed down. I thought what was happening in front, then after 10 to 15 seconds, he turned! He turned!! What??! He didn't use the signal. If he had put the signal in the first place, I would have overtook him from the left and went long ago, of course bylooking at the rear mirror and using the signal. Wasting my time. What the hell? I found a total of 3 effing-idiotic-drivers! Don't mind me, I'm in a hot mood now. Thought I could get enough sleep to store energy for tonight. Oh well...

Oh, another thing, a friend of mine, Jerome said that whenever he visits to my blog, his computer detects viruses. Anyone of you encounter this problem? If you do, please let me know. Here's the image, click on it to enlarge it. Oh no, look at the time, I better get going. C ya!!



Posted by WeiKeong under
Hey guys, the exam is so near that I can smell it, haha, just kidding, but it's really near. As near as this coming Monday, and I'm struggling on all of the subjects, including English, yup... including English! Normally, I would just say, "Huh? English? Is there anything to revise for English?" Heh, this time it's different, we'll be tested on literature. Haiz, back to secondary school, Literature and KOMSAS. Hahaha!! KOMSAS... I remember that. Anyway, I'm trying my best on Applied Maths now, it's tough! Thankfully there were Yew Tung and Yi Yong around, especially Yew Tung. ^^

Hah! Today, I woke up at 8.30am (miracle), just wanted to get to campus early. Then went to see Madam Selvarani for evaluation. Got some lecture from her, what to expect, she's a lecturer.... Hahaha! Later, went to CITS to meet Jan Fei and then SRC, to study, unfortunately, FULLY BOOKED! The library was too noisy, so decided to go to CLC. Thank God there was one room with one big table empty. So, Jan Fei and I studied there. The rest joined later. For the first time, I sat there and studied obediently, Haha! I don't know why, maybe it's becuz of Madam Selvarani. Before that, she told me to study hard, so that one day I don't sit down and regret. I think that woke me up. Haha... so studied the whole day, but I did slack a little, lazed around. LOL! Whatever it is, I'm gonna continue this for at least 2 weeks. XD! I wonder this will ever happen. Hmmm, I'm going off to bed, wanna go to campus early tomorrow. Nitez!!


You Belong With Me

Posted by WeiKeong under

You're on the phone with your girlfriend
She's upset
She's going off about something that you said
She doesn't get your humor like I do, i do

I'm in my room
It's a typical tuesday night
I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like
She'll never know your story like I do, i do

But she wears short skirts
I wear t-shirts
She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day
When you wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time

If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along
So why can't you see you belong with me
You belong with me.

Walking the streets with you and your worn out jeans
I can't help thinking this is how it ought to be
Laughing on a park bench thinking to myself
Hey, isn't this easy?

And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town
I haven't seen it in awhile since she brought you down
You say you're fine
I know you better than that
Hey what you're doing with a girl like that

She wears high heels
I wear sneakers
She's cheer captain
I'm on the bleachers
Dreaming about the day
When you wake up and find
That what you're looking for has been here the whole time

If you could see that I'm the one who understands you
Been here all along
So why can't you see you belong with me
Standing by and waiting at your backdoor
All this time how could you not know
You belong with me
You belong with me.

Oh, I remember
You driving to my house
In the middle of the night
I'm the one who makes you laugh
When you know you're about to cry
And I know your favorite songs
And you tell me about your dreams
Think I know where you belong
Think I know it's with me

Can't you see
That i'm the one
Who understands
Been here all along
So why can't you see?
You belong with me.
Standing by and
Waiting at your backdoor
All this time
How could you not know
You belong with me
You belong with me.

Have you ever thought
Just maybe
You belong with me?

You Belong With Me - Taylor Swift

MUET Speaking Test

Posted by WeiKeong under
Today was the speaking test for MUET. I went to campus at around 10.20 am. Haiz, before that I was deciding what clothes to where, pure formal or smart casual. But my cousin said that it's better to wear formal, it's more presentable, but I was thinking of wearing a pair of jeans and a shirt. After some debate, LOL!... I decided to wear a shirt and a pair of normal trousers. and so I went to MMU, dropped my cousin at Ixora and went to meet Yi Yong. Wow!! She dressed... erm, can't be explained in words. LOL! Ok... we went to Law Library and waited there. Not long later, we were asked to enter a room (hot and warm), onning the air-cond was like no effect, I think that the outside air is cooler. Whatever, there I met new friends. Let's see, two from the same course, degree second year, and a first year foundation in management student. Funny XD!! The two seniors, they're in the same course, same class, and same timetable. The funny thing is, they have never seen each other before!! WTH?!Hahahaha! So, moving on to the speaking test, well it was so so, I couldn't speak fluently, suddenly words that I wanted to use, just wouldn't come out. Maybe I was too nervous. Plus, we didn't have enough time to conclude the whole discussion. If I get a 4 and below, I wanna retake. So fun making new friends, looking foward to see them more often on campus... ^^

Peace Out!

Happy Mummy's Day!

Posted by WeiKeong under
Ahh~~ Mother's Day... Yesterday my grandmother(mother's side) came from Muar. Haha! We took her out for dinner at Lagoon restaurant. OMG!! The bill was so expensive! My mum ordered lotsa stuff that we don't usually order, dishes that fit the king, LOL!! Just kidding, I'm not used to that kind of dishes though. Well, today, my other grandmother(father's side) came. We took her out for dinner (normal la... what else? LOL!) This time, it was no Lagoon but another restaurant. We wanted to go to Bei Zhan but it was fully booked. This restaurant we went also almost the same thing but we managed to get a table. So, after eating, my uncle and my grandmother went back to Kluang, leaving my cousin behind cuz will go to Ixora tomorrow, wanting to study for the exam. Haiz... exam. Later, we went to Dataran Pahlawan, my cousin, brothers and I wanted to buy a gift for my mum but don't know what to buy, so my cousin suggested we buy her perfume. So we walked to Body Shop at Makhota Parade and bought one... Hope she'll love it. LOL!!

Anyone of you are a fan of Taylor Swift's Love Story, and Viva La Vida by Coldplay? If you are... I have good news. There's this guy in his early 40's, he mixed these 2 songs together using piano and cello. His name's Jon Schmidt. There is a story why he played Love Story, it is dedicated to his 7 year old daughter. He said it's her favourite song. What a great dad! His piano skill's amazing! So creative... Here's the link....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0v3d6SFcDys. Thanks to my good friend Jan Fei, I got to know about this. Go check out his blog if you people are free, he's got some useful information on his blog sometimes. Find Jan Fei on my buddy list or janfei.blogspot.com.

Anyway, I gotta go. I need to complete my Chemistry assignment... and get prepared for tomorrow's MUET speaking test. Hope I don't screw up! Wish me luck!! (just kidding :P) Nitez!!

PS - Happy Mother's Day mummy! Thank you for raising me up and teaching me how to be a good person. I appreciate that and I'm sorry for all the bad things I've done. I love you!! ^^ (though my mum will never never never come across this blog, haiz! if she does, I'll consider to stop blogging ><)

Peace Out!

No Surprise

Posted by WeiKeong under
Yes! Daughtry is back with their lastest single, No Surprise. It will be on their upcoming album that will be released on this coming July, Leave This Town. They debuted this song first on American Idol. This is a great song! Enjoy...

I've practiced this for hours, gone round and round
And now I think that I've got it all down
And as I say it louder I love how it sounds
Cause I'm not taking the easy way out
Not wrapping this in ribbons
Shouldn't have to give a reason why...

It's no surprise I won't be here tomorrow
I can't believe that I stayed till today
Yeah you and I will be a tough act to follow
But I know in time we'll find this was no surprise

It came out like a river once I let it out
When I thought that I wouldn't know how
Held onto it forever just pushing it down
Felt so good to let go of it now
Not wrapping this in ribbons
Shouldn't have to give a reason why

It's no surprise I won't be here tomorrow
I can't believe that I stayed till today
There's nothing here in this heart left to borrow
There's nothing here in this soul left to say
Don't be surprised when we hate this tomorrow
God know we tried to find an easier way
Yeah you and I will be a tough act to follow
But I know in time we'll find this was no surprise

Our favorite place we used to go
The warm embrace that no one knows
The loving look that's left your eyes
That's why this comes as no, as no surprise

If I could see the future and how this plays out
I bet it's better than where we are now
But after going through this, it's easier to see the reason why

It's no surprise I won't be here tomorrow
I can't believe that I stayed till today
Yeah you and I will be a tough act to follow
But I know in time we'll find this was no surprise

Our favorite place we used to go
The warm embrace that no one knows
The loving look that's left your eyes
But I know in time we'll find this was no surprise

No Surprise - Daughtry

Peace Out!

Random Update...

Posted by WeiKeong under
Hey... so, I have not been updating cuz been pretty busy these few days. Got lotsa assignments to do, speaking of that, I've just completed my Probability and Applied Mathematics assignments. All there are left, Physics and Chemistry which are to be handed up on this this coming Monday. Then, I can fully concentrate on my finals. Gawd!!! Hopefully I can do well this time and not screw up. Anyways, all the best to PE 05 and PE 06! We can do it!!

Hi~ LOL!

Peace Out!

Birthday Gurl

Posted by WeiKeong under
Last night I went to Puvanes' surprise birthday party. Although it was a small one, but it was fun! I'm too lazy to describe the whole thing, let the pictures tell, ya? LOL!!

After the cake blowing session, hehe, they suggested that Raymond and Puvanes feed each other. So Raymond fed her first. Who knew, he pressed the whole slice of cake onto her face. Haha! Look at her face... LOL!

It later turned into a cake fight! Hahahaha! We ran for our lives!!

After that, we ended up at Batu Berendam's KFC for our dinner and headed home. Hehe! Fun day!! Here's a picture I edited myself, hope you guys like it.

PS - Happy Birthday Puvanes!!

Peace Out!