Effing Streamyx!! Effing Drivers!!

Posted by WeiKeong under
Last night Yi Yong, Jan Fei and I studied until around 11 pm. Before that, we bought a cake at Italian Bakery after our dinner with Qiao Hui at Batu Berendam. Yi Yong wanted to celebrate her senior's b'day. Ok, study study study, then went to Ixora and planned where to celebrate. Haha, out of no where, I felt freaking tired, or maybe I felt tired before that, haha no idea. I couldn't take it, so, drove home. When I got home, I hoped that I could turn on my laptop just to get a movie finish downloading, guess what, my brother appeared to be using the phone. So i can't access to the internet. You'll be wondering, I applied for Streamyx and why can't I access? Don't ask me, ask the people working up there. When I applied for Streamyx, they promised that even when someone is using the phone, we still can access to the internet without a problem, or vice versa. Arghh!! If this is America i would sue!! I mean, RM 77 per month for a smooth connection, 1 mbps, hah! 1 mbps my foot! More like a dail-up connection speed. If you say there are no other options other than Streamyx, they will tell you that there is Celcom broadband, which is also under the same company, TM if I'm not mistaken.

So, this morning, I was hoping to get more sleep because of yesterday, got home late. My brother was like, " Keong, faster leh, send me go tuition leh..." early in the morning, 10 am!! 10 am is early to me... ARGH! Can't I get more sleep to store more energy for tonight? My exam's tomorrow. So, with a firey mood, sent him to tuition. While I was driving, you couldn't believe how many idiots I had found on the road. Not to say that I'm perfect, but at least better than them. OK, one was like driving at what, 35? 40? Totally slowed down the whole traffice. My gawd, who drives at that speed???! Another one, try to visualize what I am trying to say, cuz this idiot made it almost impossible to explain, and I'm trying to make it almost possible. He was from a small junction at the incoming-car lane, get it? A road has 2 lanes right, I'm going up, the other coming down. He was coming out from a kampung junction at the coming-down-lane. I think you should get the picture now. He wanted to go up, which where I was heading. You know what he did, came out without looking, and later realised that a few cars, including me, was coming through. He was like, "Oh no, where to go?" then he drove, opposing the coming-down-lane!! What if there were cars coming down? I don't wanna imagine. Kampung drivers!! Oh, there's another one, I was right behind that one, driving driving driving, then he slowed down. I thought what was happening in front, then after 10 to 15 seconds, he turned! He turned!! What??! He didn't use the signal. If he had put the signal in the first place, I would have overtook him from the left and went long ago, of course bylooking at the rear mirror and using the signal. Wasting my time. What the hell? I found a total of 3 effing-idiotic-drivers! Don't mind me, I'm in a hot mood now. Thought I could get enough sleep to store energy for tonight. Oh well...

Oh, another thing, a friend of mine, Jerome said that whenever he visits to my blog, his computer detects viruses. Anyone of you encounter this problem? If you do, please let me know. Here's the image, click on it to enlarge it. Oh no, look at the time, I better get going. C ya!!


7 thoughts:

On May 17, 2009 at 3:40 PM , Dominic Low said...

i would say because of the layout. is this a homemade layout or pre0made one? sometimes the html code in the layout or any particular widget has virus like strings. there are methods to actually imprint viruses in html code.

try changing things one by one to see if the 'virus' is still being detected.

On May 17, 2009 at 7:59 PM , alexchang said...

i dont get any virus...maybe coz i use lousy antivirus software...
impossible lo...streamyx can use internet n phone the same time....
go F*** the people in TM!!
Melaka mia internet mmg abit slow duno why.....
There's more option now...with WiMax coming to Melaka end of the year...and Maxis broadband....Digi too!!
Well, melaka drivers ma....i mean hulu ones... drive damn freaking slow...i damn HOT one whenever i encounter this in melaka. KL if u slow....u get summoned coz u BLOCKED the road.....

On May 18, 2009 at 12:12 AM , WeiKeong said...

Ya la... when my family using the phone, the line will tiba-tiba terputus. WTH??!

Really? More options? Great! My streamyx contract ends this July! Hehe, but don't know the rest good or not?

Hah? Kena saman wan ar if drive slow in KL? Then they should implement this rule it Melaka... XD!

On May 18, 2009 at 3:11 AM , YC said...

i think u need to check ur splitter..that should be the prob where u cant use the internet when ur family member is using the phone...

On May 18, 2009 at 4:15 AM , Nightclow (Niko) said...

weird...my anti-virus didnt detect anything...
i agree with dominic...maybe coz of ur layout...
coz last time i add some application & my friends cant even view my blog...
so after i re-edit & change the html & everything is ok...
i also face the same problem with my streamyz...when using the phone...my connection down...so frustrating sometimes...

On May 18, 2009 at 3:08 PM , alexchang said...

trust me....ask the F***ing technician to come n CHECK your LINE!!
if its your fault then i cant help. But i think the chances of TM's fault is MUCH HIGHER!!

Yeah...more options...so far WiMax is okay...cheaper too...

yea...kena saman one if u drive damn slow as u r blocking everyone behind. Melaka not as many cars in KL ma...

On May 19, 2009 at 1:49 AM , YC said...

well..i still think broadband is kinda expensive,WiMax, nvr heard of it...but melaka can surely use some competitors for TM..n y didnt u horn those drivers like i always told u to..horn them to dead!swt...