Well, here's the test I promised ya'll. It's 'a bit' long, haha! Ya'll don't have to read all, just read the Life Path and the Potential Natural Talents and Abilities part. If ya'll wanna try it out, just log on to www.123numerology.com , and subscribe. Here it is....
Birth name:
Lee Wei Keong Date of birth:
February 15, 1990 Hi there Wei,
Thank you for visiting my website at www.123numerology.com, and for requesting this free mini-reading and ongoing numerology tutorial.
Over the coming weeks, I'll be giving you a wealth of information about numerology (all completely free of charge!). I look forward to taking the journey with you - numerology is a true passion of mine, and it is my hope that you find numerology to be just as fascinating as I do.
Let's jump right in by starting to analyze your numerology chart ...
The best place to start is with one of the most basic calculations ... your "life path" -- based on your birth date of February 15, 1990 -- is 9.
How Is Your Life Path Calculated ? This is calculated in four steps: 1) Add up the digits in your month of birth (if more than one digit) 2) Add up the digits in your day of birth (if more than one digit) 3) Add up the digits in your year of birth. 4) Add up the answers from (1), (2), and (3) above. With all the above calculations, we keep adding until we end up with a single digit, or an 11 or 22 (which are special cases in numerology, known as "Master Numbers"). In your case Wei, you were born on February 15, 1990. Your month of birth is February, which is the 2nd month. As 2 is a single digit, there's nothing to add here Your day of birth is the 15th. Adding 1 + 5 gives us 6. Your year of birth is 1990. Adding 1 + 9 + 9 + 0 gives us 19. Adding 1 + 9 gives us 10. Adding 1 + 0 gives us 1. The totals, then, are 2, 6, and 1. To get our final answer, we add these three numbers together: Adding 2 + 6 + 1 gives us 9. |
Your life path says a lot about you, so please read the following very carefully ...
Wei, your Life Path of 9 ... You are a deeply spiritual individual who often displays a deep interest in religion or the occult at a very early age. In fact many nines grow up to be psychics, healers, priests and nuns. You probably feel responsible for keeping up the morality or spirit of mankind in some way, or even responsible for their very souls. This is why many nines also end up working for the law as policemen or judges or in some aspect of spiritual or psychological counseling.
The emphasis of your life path is on finding ways to communicate the divinity of man in a practical context. As many nines are also very artistic, this connection with the higher powers might also be expressed through a talent such as writing, music or painting.
At some point in your life you have probably sworn to yourself to make this world a better place. You are extremely compassionate and feel above the matters that you feel causes factions of society to be divided. You are very aware of feeling as insignificant as a grain of sand in the Universe and believe that materialism, prejudice and lust just don't matter in the long run.
You have a charismatic and very open personality that attracts you a lot of friends. You are very social, sometimes at the expense of your other responsibilities. Sometimes a number nine might take too much time out during the day "to smell the flowers" and incur the resentment of those that are left to pick up the slack.
Your attitude towards life in general is very selfless and you usually have a good connection with God or a higher power. However often the number 9 faces a unique challenge at some point in his or her life that seems to be a test of faith. Usually this incident takes the form of a devastating personal loss, disease or some sort of tragedy. This triggers a period of time that lasts a few years that is often called the "dark night of the soul." It is usually during this period of your life that you find the extreme courage and strength to become what is called a wounded healer.
Your life may seem too tough to handle at times which makes you vulnerable to finding substitutes for the family unit. As you are naturally very lonely and insecure, you are particularly vulnerable to joining a cult or becoming fanatical in the religious sense.
If you are a number nine you may find your life seems more difficult than others. This is because it is common human nature to take advantage of your compassion, empathy and generosity. It may seem unfair to you that others do not appreciate the spiritual gifts that you have to offer, especially when you demand so little materially from the world. This is part of the problematic path of the number 9 who is often fated to learn that the path of true compassionate does not necessarily result in spiritual rewards for the healer either.
Although you may feel quite clear about your divine purpose and goals in life, others may perceive you as weird or spacey. This is why it is often difficult for a number 9 to keep a job for long. Relationships might also be very difficult for a 9 to sustain, as this particular path is a rather lonely one. Part of the 9's spiritual development is usually being presented with situations that force them to let go of emotional situations and connections that might interfere with the higher purpose that the cosmos has in store for them. |
Your Expression - which describes your potential natural talents and abilities - works out to be a 3.
How Is Your Expression Calculated? What we are going to do now is turn all the letters in your name at birth into numbers, using the following chart : 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
| | In practice I put the vowels above the name and the consonants underneath. This is because your Soul Urge is derived from the vowels alone, so it makes it easier at the next step to do it this way. Again there is one exception to the rule and this is with the letter ‘Y’. If it acts as a consonant and is pronounced it is classed as being a consonant. If it is not pronounced or acts as a vowel it is classed as being a vowel. The ‘Y’ in Yolande, for instance, would be classed as being a consonant, but the ‘Y’ in Larry would be classed as being a vowel as it acts as a vowel. Let’s work out your Expression number, Wei : Using the above chart we would put a 3 below the 'L' of your first name. We would follow this with a 5 placed above the 'e', then a 5 above the 'e', a 5 below the 'W', and so on ... We then carry on in the same manner with the rest of your name. When you are finished, you should end up with a chart like this:
| 5 | 5 |
| 5 | 9 |
| 5 | 6 |
| L | e | e |
| W | e | i |
| K | e | o | n | g | 3 |
| 5 |
| 2 |
| 5 | 7 | | Now we simply add up the numbers in each row. The top row: Adding 5 + 5 + 5 + 9 + 5 + 6 gives us 35. Adding 3 + 5 gives us 8. The bottom row: Adding 3 + 5 + 2 + 5 + 7 gives us 22 (note that we don't add the digits of 22 together, since 22 is a 'Master Number'). . We now add the total of the top and bottom rows, which gives us 8+22=30. Adding 3 + 0 gives us 3. And so, Wei, your Expression is 3. |
What a '3' Expression Means About You
Now that we've done the calculations, what does this actually mean?
Wei, your Expression of 3 ... Your Potential Natural Talents and Abilities You are at the height of your self-expression when you feel that others are experiencing "being high on life" like you are. One of your personal goals may be to uplift humanity or spread joy or enthusiasm wherever you go. You know how to unite others through the magic of performance, song dance, singing, acting or literature. For this reason, you are fated to entertain others in some way, whether you are in showbiz or not!
You are imaginative in every way possible. As you are a great innovator your career choice may be unorthodox in some way. You consider the accumulation of experiences to be your greatest wealth so you may choose a career in which you travel a lot so you can meet as many people and encounter as many different kinds of situations as possible.
You love to dare to be grand and this is reflected in your mannerisms and speech. You often speak in full paragraphs and are a captivating storyteller. You often throw your entire body into your self-expression so that it is one with what you are saying. For this reason many of you make incredible actors, opera singers, teachers or performers.
You also have a natural dexterity that makes it easy for you to learn and play music. Threes are often blessed with a natural sense of comic timing as well as rhythm. This makes you an excellent dancer and lover.
You love philosophy and the old cliches that are true in life so when you feel lost emotionally you rely on wise words to get you through. You rarely take anything that happens to you in life personally, a trait that frustrates your enemies to no end. This ability to let stuff "roll off your back" serves you well in the many complex emotional situations that threes often get into.
You relate better to large groups of people then you do one on one. As threes are often no shows in their family lives and rarely have time to pay attention to their lovers they are likely to show their affection by giving lavish gifts. However this is often perceived by others as an attempt to buy others affection or as a lousy substitute for real emotional support.
As you adore being in the spotlight you probably dress to impress. Either you dress in the latest trendy fashions or in an eccentric fashion that makes it impossible for others not to notice you. As you are an oddly sentimental creature, you are fond of heirlooms and one of a kind jewelry and clothing that sets you apart from the crowd.
One of the greatest gifts you have to offer others is your boundless optimism and enthusiasm for life. Others who meet you rarely forget you as you always make a permanent first impression.
Although on the surface you might appear to be a bit shallow to others usually you are motivated by the desire to have others transcend petty emotions and pains in life. Nothing annoys you more than a person that insists on looking down at his shoes when he could be looking up at a big wide sky full of stars. The ultimate achievement of your life expression is to change the consciousness of others so that they aspire to their highest ideals. One way that you do this by continually reminding them through your actions that these ideals can be manifested through kind and wise action on earth. |
Now, Let's Examine Your Soul Urge
(also known as your "Heart's Desire")
We have already done all the mathematics necessary to work out this number. It is simply the total of the top row (the vowels) of your full birth name.
In your case Wei, this totals 8.
Wei, your Soul Urge of 8 ... What You Desire To Be, To Have, and To Do In Your Life You are one of the most spiritual complex and misunderstood numbers. Your ability to create wealth often fills your life with difficult relationships. Others may try to take advantage of you or try to make you feel guilty for your success. You are probably used to being described as greedy or shallow but usually the opposite is true. Often your devotion to keeping the free exchange of money flowing costs you dearly personally either through overwork or thanklessness from others.
In essence your number is about exchange - the exchange of things for profit. Although you are materially oriented you are not spiritually bereft. In fact, one of your most sophisticated spiritual qualities is your belief that all should wealthy and that all should benefit from your endeavors.
The highest expression of your soul urge number is when you are at the top of the food chain and dispensing goodies down to those who work for you or love you. You are a very trustworthy individual who is entrusted often with the task of caring completely for other people's livelihoods. This is a huge responsibility and many simply don't understand the challenge.
You are blessed with the tools that come in hand with being a great leader - foresight, analytical abilities and a great understanding of human nature. Your ability to sell ice to an Eskimo comes from a truly grounded and practical understanding of the wants and needs of humans. You are very astute when it comes to choosing partners and employees. You always assign people to roles that best suit their talents and resources and so that all benefit from your grand plans.
Usually it is an eight that facilitates the building of a church, day care center or opera house. Art and the theater truly do appeal to your brilliant mind. Many of you are excellent when it comes to choosing talent and putting it to work in your organization. You may also privately support an artist that you believe is adding beauty, meaning and order to the world.
Another soul energy that drives you is your need to demonstrate the circulation of love and prosperity in your life. If you are not making money, it seems to you like you are not being favored by the Gods or that you are on the wrong path. Like feng shui masters, you see the circulation of wealth in your life as evidence that love is blossoming in your life as well. This is because you are as equally concerned with attaining spiritual riches as you are material riches.
Many of you are natural born feng shui masters and have innate understanding of the use of space. For you beauty is a matter of form following function, so if it is useful it is beautiful to you. This is why many eights end up funding the design of grand buildings or malls or creating large corporations or organizations. In Biblical terms, you are the one who knows how to divide up a single fish to feed thousands.
You are also an extraordinarily kind person and one of your challenges may be about deciding who is a good risk to lend money to or not. For this reason, you can always expect some losses in your life due to the lending of money. If you are stolen from, your highest spiritual calling is to forgive the debt and realize that others simply don't have the same natural knack for creating wealth that you do. |
I hope you are enjoying this brief glimpse into the world of numerology -- the science of numbers, which governs much - if not most - of what happens in your life, your relationships, your health, and your economic future.
Please also realize this:
What I Have Given You Here
Has Barely Scratched the Surface!
Wei, what I've shown you so far is just an extremely small fraction of what is possible through numerology ... I've basically shown you three of the nine-hundred-plus calculations I do in a typical reading.
I've just given you a very general overview. With a full analysis, you can explore your life and personality like a microscope, revealing more about you that you ever dreamed possible.
Your personal life, your career, your relationships, your finances, your future ... you'l learn about it all. You'll not only experience the peace of knowing the path you are best to travel in this life ... you'll learn how to capitalize on specific opportunities that might otherwise pass you by, and what pitfalls may befall you if you're not ready for them.
I kid you not ... people have both laughed out loud and cried tears of joy when they identify with characteristics they have never shared with a single soul ... when they realize the reason for the struggles they have been going through ... when they learn about the gifts they have in this life that just needed to be pointed out to them.
As a valued subscriber, I'd like to make you a very special offer on a full length numerology reading that fully explores virtually all areas of your life (including your career, relationships, specific events and opportunities in your future), leaving no stone unturned!
Peace Out!