Laughter is the Best Remedy~

Posted by WeiKeong under
Well there is no doubt that laughter is the best medicine. Haha, here are some jokes to make your day... Enjoy!

There were two old guys, Abe and Sol, sitting on a bench in a park feeding pigeons and talking about baseball.

Just like they did every day, Abe turned to Sol and asked, "Do you think there's baseball in heaven?"

Soloman thought about it for a minute and replied, "I dunno, Abe, but let's make a deal: If I die first, I will come back and tell you -- and if you die first, you come back and tell me --if there is baseball in heaven."

They shook on it. Sadly, a few months later poor Abe passed on.

One day soon afterward, Sol was sitting there feeding the pigeons by himself when he heard a voice whisper, "Sol... Sol...." Sol responded, "Abe! Is that you?" "Yes it is Sol," whispered the spirit of Abe.

Sol, still amazed, asked, "So, is there baseball in heaven?" "Well," Abe said, "I got good news and I got bad news." "Gimme the good news first," said Sol. Abe said, "Well... there is baseball in heaven." Sol said, "That's great! What news could be bad enough to ruin that!?"

Abe sighed and whispered, "You're pitching here on Friday."

LOL!! He's dying on Friday!! Well, here's another one...

A man is talking to the family doctor. "Doc, I think my wife's going deaf."

The doctor answers, "Well, here's something you can try on her to test her hearing. Stand some distance away from her and ask her a question. If she doesn't answer, move a little closer and ask again. Keep repeating this until she answers. Then you'll be able to tell just how hard of hearing she really is."

The man goes home and tries it out. He walks in the door and says, "Honey, what's for dinner?" He doesn't hear an answer, so he moves closer to her. "Honey, what's for dinner?" Still no answer. He repeats this several times, until he's standing just a few feet away from her.

Finally, she answers, "For the eleventh time, I said we're having MEATLOAF!"

XD! He himself deaf, wanna complain his wife deaf! Another one... maybe?? Hehe..

A young businessman had just started his own business. He'd rented a beautiful office and had it brilliantly decorated. Sitting there, he saw a man come into the outer office.

Wishing to appear busy, the young businessman picked up the phone and started to pretend he was working a big deal. He was shouting huge figures and made giant commitments.

Finally, he hung up and asked the visitor, "Can I help you?" The man said, "Sure. I'm here to install the phone!"

Hahahaha!! Dumb fellow... Tying to act busy... Ok, this one is in Malay...

Pembeli: "Dik, telur sekilo berapa?"
Penjual: "Telur ayam atau telur itik?"
Pembeli: "Telur ayam."
Penjual: "Telur ayam biasa atau ayam kampung?"
Pembeli: "Ayam biasa."
Penjual: "Yang tempatan atau yang import?"
Pembeli: "Yang tempatan."
Penjual: "Yang tempatannya mahu yang dari Ipoh, Kuala Selangor atau Tampin?"
Pembeli: "Yang Ipoh lah..." (Sambil terlihat kesal).
Penjual: "Mahu yang Ipoh Pusat, Barat, Timur, Utara, atau Selatan?"
Pembeli: "Adik nie jual telur atau nak jalan-jalan?"
Penjual: "Maaf kak, saya penjual mee rebus kat sebelah. Kebetulan yang jual telur pergi makan.Saya disuruh berbual dulu dengan pembeli sampai dia datang.

Are you laughing so hard that your stomach hurts? Well I hope these jokes made your day... Hmm, got to go to PC fair. Wanna buy ink for my cousin. Hopefully I can buy something cheap there... Hehe! I'll be updating soon! Adios~

Peace out...

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